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General Automotive & Forum Discussion
Site & Forum Rules
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Topic: Site & Forum Rules (Read 32662 times)
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Farts Dust
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Site & Forum Rules
May 14, 2009, 01:01:44 PM »
This is a list of rules that will be effective immediately. I'm posting this to make sure that everyone is clear on what is and is not acceptable behavior here. I am also including the actions taken if the rules are broken, so everyone is aware of what will happen. These rules and actions will change over time and the list may grow. Some of these rules will be strictly adhered to (like trash talking and threatening other members), while others will be a little loosely enforced (like reposting threads).
Site Rules
No trash talking, personal threats, or abusive language.
- This is a friendly forum, so any sort of blatant trash talking, personal threats, or abusive language to any member is not permitted. This will not be tolerated in any form at all.
1st offense - offensive posts deleted, verbal warning, 1 week suspension
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, 1 month suspension
3rd offense - permanent ban
No religious or political threads.
- Everyone has their own personal views about religion and politics, which others may not share. When these topics are discussed, it ends up in a fight. This is an automotive forum for people to share information, not a place to argue about personal beliefs.
1st offense - thread deleted, verbal warning
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, 1 week suspension
3rd offense - 3rd verbal warning, 1 month suspension
repeat offender - possible ban
No street racing threads or posts.
- Street racing is illegal, dangerous, and stupid. We do not glorify, support, or condone street racing in any way. We support legal and sanctioned racing events done on a track in a controlled environment. If you think street racing is cool, you are on the wrong forum.
1st offense - thread or post deleted, verbal warning
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, 1 week suspension
3rd offense - 3rd verbal warning, 1 month suspension
repeat offender - possible ban
No threads or posts about illegal activity.
- Illegal activity has no place here. We do not condone any threads or posts about drug use, theft, or other illegal or immoral activities. This is a public forum that anyone can view, including the police. If you choose to break the law, keep it to yourself.
1st offense - thread or post deleted, verbal warning
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, 1 week suspension
3rd offense - 3rd verbal warning, 1 month suspension
repeat offender - possible ban
No posting in all caps
- Posting in all caps is hard to read and very annoying. There is a reason why there are upper and lower case letters used in the English language, please use them properly.
1st offense - verbal warning
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, 1 week suspension, all "all caps" posts deleted
3rd offense - 3rd verbal warning, 1 month suspension, all "all caps" posts deleted
repeat offender - possible ban
No post whoring.
- Posting just to post or to bump up your post count, without any input or feedback is just a waste of space and time. Nobody needs to see a smiley or short 1 word posts as a reply to other people's posts. It's a pet peeve of mine, so don't do it.
1st offense - all "whoring" posts deleted, verbal warning
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, 1 week suspension
3rd offense - 3rd verbal warning, 1 month suspension
No posting of topics in the incorrect forum.
- I have taken the time to lay out the forum in a way where information is easy to find or search. When you post int he wrong forum, it makes finding information harder. Again, this is another pet peeve of mine.
1st offense - thread deleted or moved to appropriate forum, verbal warning
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, 1 week suspension from creating new threads
3rd offense - 3rd verbal warning, 1 month suspension from creating new threads
No duplicate threads or reposts.
- We don't need more than one thread about the same subject, especially when it's about a certain mod or repair. Having multiple threads about one subject just creates confusion when someone is searching for information and advice. Let's keep this forum free of clutter and useless garbage.
1st offense - thread deleted, verbal warning
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, 1 week suspension creating new threads
3rd offense - 3rd verbal warning, 1 month suspension creating new threads
No thread jacking.
- It's very disrespectful to the original poster and other people in the thread to derail it on to another topic. If you have a specific question to ask another member that is off topic to the thread, PM the member instead.
1st offense - posts deleted, verbal warning
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, 1 week suspension
3rd offense - 3rd verbal warning, 1 month suspension
No Posting Items For Sale In Other Forums Or Threads
- If you do not have the appropriate permissions to post in the for sale forum, it means that you are not allowed to publicly post your items for sale on this forum. It is not appropriate to get around this by posting a FS thread or advertising your items for sale in an existing thread.
1st offense - posts deleted, verbal warning
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, 1 week suspension
3rd offense - 3rd verbal warning, 1 month suspension
Do Not Post Your Phone Number or Address
- Since this is a public forum, anyone can gain access to your phone number or address, which may result in future problems and theft. If you want someone to have your phone number or address, PM them with the info.
1st offense - post edited, verbal warning
repeat offender - possible suspension for 1 week
Do Not Post Those Stupid Videos Of Some Moron Pretending To Drive Making Motor Noises With Their Mouth
- You bet your ass this is a fucking rule. I'm sick of people posting this shit thinking it's funny. Plain and simple, they are stupid and annoying. Don't post that crap in here. I don't care about some 13 year old kid with a video camera and his older brother's shitty Civic making stupid noises. Grow the fuck up.
1st offense - verbal warning
2nd offense - post deleted, suspension for 1 week
repeat offender - tires slashed, mother slapped
Forum Specific Rules
Off Topic
Threads must remain non-automotive/Site related topics.
- Off Topic means that it's off topic. We have specific areas for automotive and site related threads, so this sort of stuff does not belong in the Off Topic forum at all.
1st offense - thread deleted or moved to appropriate forum, verbal warning
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, 1 week suspension from creating new threads in the forum
3rd offense - 3rd verbal warning, 1 month suspension from creating new threads in the forum
repeat offender - permanent ban from creating new threads in "Off Topic"
General Discussion
Threads must be non-technical automotive/Site related topics that do not fit in any other specific forum.
- General Discussion is for non-technical automotive and site specific information only. We have plenty of forums that are designated for technical information specific to different areas of modification and type of engine.
1st offense - thread deleted or moved to appropriate forum, verbal warning
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, 1 week suspension from creating new threads in the forum
3rd offense - 3rd verbal warning, 1 month suspension from creating new threads in the forum
repeat offender - permanent ban from creating new threads in "General Discussion"
For Sale
You MUST post with all the required information about your product (I.E. Item Description/Pictures/Price/How To Contact You Offline)
- This rule exists to protect the buyer in case of a problem. It also exists because a vague description without pictures isn't a very good way of getting people interested in your items. The reason for offline contact information is pretty self explanatory. We're not looking for a lot of info, but an email or AIM screen name is adequate.
1st offense - thread deleted, verbal warning
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, 1 week suspension from creating new threads in the forum
3rd offense - 3rd verbal warning, 1 month suspension from creating new threads in the forum
repeat offender - permanent ban from creating new threads in "For Sale"
Group Buy Threads
First, you MUST get permission from an Admin (timot_one, Skippy, or MyNameIsThien). If you do not get permission, your thread will be deleted.
You MUST post with all the required information about your product (I.E. Item Description/Pictures/Price/How To Contact You Offline)
- This rule exists to protect the buyer in case of a problem. It also exists because a vague description without pictures isn't a very good way of getting people interested in your items. The reason for offline contact information is pretty self explanatory. We're not looking for a lot of info, but an email or AIM screen name is adequate.
1st offense - thread deleted, verbal warning
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, 1 week suspension from creating new threads in the forum
3rd offense - 3rd verbal warning, 1 month suspension from creating new threads in the forum
repeat offender - permanent ban from creating new threads in "Group Buys"
Signature Rules
- No offensive or pornographic pictures (also applies to avatars)
- No more than 4 lines of text
- If using a mobile app to post like Tapatalk, disable it's signature
- Do not post your mod list in your signature
1st offense - edited or deleted signature, verbal warning
2nd offense - 2nd verbal warning, signature deleted for 1 week
3rd offense - 3rd verbal warning, signature deleted for 1 month
repeat offender - permanent signature deletion
Sedan and Coupe Picture threads
One simple rule: post pictures of coupes or sedans in their appropriate thread. If you feel you need to comment on a previously posted coupe/ sedan, quote that picture (just one. there's no need to quote fifteen pictures. That's just excessive) and make a comment. If a conversation is started, the posts will be removed and the offenders will be dealt with accordingly. Here's the breakdown of what will happen if this one simple rule gets broken:
1st Offense: Warning via PM
2nd Offense: 3 day ban
3rd Offense: 1 week ban
4th Offense: 1 month ban
5th Offense: Permanent ban
Last Edit: October 22, 2012, 11:03:12 AM by CrackerTeg
Quote from: Andrew Ilnyckyj
Eating gold is like the equivalent of wiping your butt with dollar bills. At some point, it's going to come in contact with my ass...just doing it in a more elegant way.
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Re: Site & Forum Rules
Reply #1 on:
May 14, 2009, 07:40:21 PM »
Good stuff there Tim. Everyone please obey the rules. We are enforcing them immediately.
Farts Dust
Posts: 12508
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Re: Site & Forum Rules
Reply #2 on:
November 17, 2009, 08:50:58 PM »
Apparently we have some newbies who haven't seen these yet so a little bump to catch their attention won't hurt.
"If one day the speed kills me, do not cry because I was smiling." - Paul Walker
Farts Dust
Posts: 12508
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Re: Site & Forum Rules
Reply #3 on:
November 07, 2010, 08:55:13 AM »
Since the banner floating across the top of the main forum isn't catching people's attention, a bump of this thread should. In light of recent events, the rules are going to be a little more strictly adhered to. Too much shit is being flung that doesn't need to be and its driving members away. That's not how we do business here and I personally can't stand to see that shit happen. Yes, this is a pretty lighthearted forum with a lot of restrictions not in play like other forums but it doesn't give any of us the right to take deep stabs at anyone. Doing that shit in jest is fine so long as the other member doesn't take offense to it. I'm done with my rant and intend on keeping a closer eye on shit that has slipped past before.
"If one day the speed kills me, do not cry because I was smiling." - Paul Walker
Farts Dust
Posts: 12508
No fucks given.
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: 99
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Re: Site & Forum Rules
Reply #4 on:
October 23, 2012, 07:43:18 AM »
Rules updated. Ladies, make sure you review them.
"If one day the speed kills me, do not cry because I was smiling." - Paul Walker
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