
Lounge => Off Topic => Topic started by: CrackerTeg on March 19, 2009, 03:55:31 PM

Title: Fraud blows
Post by: CrackerTeg on March 19, 2009, 03:55:31 PM
Well ladies and gentleman, my wife and I have just become a statistic. Apparently they decided it would be a good idea to use our info for their dastardly deeds. We've spent the better part of today closing accounts and shuffling money around so they can't do anymore damage. It even got to the point that the fuckers wrote a check to someone using my wife's maiden name on my checking account to which she doesn't have access. Figure that one out. God bless America, right?

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: Blackhawk on March 19, 2009, 03:59:52 PM
Sorry to hear about this Jonathan. Make sure you alert as many white collar crime agencies as you can about this. The squeakiest wheel gets the grease. Good luck with everything.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: Fenix on March 19, 2009, 04:02:16 PM
Well bank tellers arent the most well trainted people in the world. I should know i was one of them. I got two weeks of "training" and what they expect us to know is astounding. Weeks before i left that job someone passed a 2K+ check on me wrote on someone elses account. Long story short, that person is now sitting in jail.

Sorry to hear about the fraud, hope you get your situation sorted out

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: timot_one on March 19, 2009, 04:31:20 PM
That sucks.  I hope the fuckers get caught.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: Blackhawk on March 19, 2009, 05:04:36 PM
BTW I selected all options on your poll :mrgreen:

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: driveaccord on March 19, 2009, 05:18:27 PM
Quote from: "timot_one"
That sucks.  I hope the MOTHER fuckers get caught.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: mnkyman on March 19, 2009, 05:45:46 PM
man that fuckin sucks man...hope everything gets cleared up

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: Mike on March 19, 2009, 05:47:59 PM
Good luck cleaning this, and I hope they get caught!

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: CrackerTeg on March 19, 2009, 06:18:39 PM
Quote from: "Blackhawk"
BTW I selected all options on your poll :mrgreen:

I made it that way on purpose.

On another note, they didn't pull a lot of money, but they did try. Needless to say, all my credit cards as well as my debit cards have been frozen so I basically have nothing until one of the new cards shows up. Thankfully, I've got plenty of gas in my car and food in the fridge.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: ibcnunv on March 19, 2009, 06:28:16 PM
Quote from: "CrackerTeg"
Thankfully, I've got plenty of gas in my car and food in the fridge.

That's right stay ducking possitive bro...  Oh shot my iPhone has a bad word block; LOL

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: CrackerTeg on March 19, 2009, 06:37:26 PM
Mine does that same shit P. I'm constantly backspacing and making sure it types what I want it to.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: timot_one on March 19, 2009, 08:48:51 PM
Over time my blackberry has learned that I love to fucking swear.  My iPod touch still need to learn though.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: wtcii on March 19, 2009, 08:56:41 PM
That sucks! At least they didn't get much from you.

I always just hit the x on the correction with the iPhone, that way my true feelings come out... It may be different with non 3G's. I dull not know what you all have.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: Slammedk24 on March 19, 2009, 10:43:07 PM
That really sucks, this happened to my cousin a couple of years ago.  I hope nothing else happens and they end up catching them.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: CrackerTeg on March 19, 2009, 10:55:16 PM
Quote from: "wtcii"
That sucks! At least they didn't get much from you.

I always just hit the x on the correction with the iPhone, that way my true feelings come out... It may be different with non 3G's. I dull not know what you all have.

I do the same thing on my 3g. Sometimes I forget when I speed type. Hopefully this fucking thing figures out what I'm typing like my old Crackberry did.

Quote from: "Slammedk24"
That really sucks, this happened to my cousin a couple of years ago.  I hope nothing else happens and they end up catching them.

With the kind of measures I took, nothing else should happen. I hope they do catch them, but 9 times out of 10, they don't. Funny thing, I was talking to my old man a little while ago, and this same thing happened to him a couple of months ago. It started with little charges that he shrugged off as something he may have bough, then he got hit for a 10K charge on his AM EX. I'm just glad I caught the little charges.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: mnkyman on March 20, 2009, 01:09:26 AM
Ya that's happened to me before. They would charge 1 or 2 cents to "test" the card (as my banker later told me)...and luckily the bank questioned these charges, called me up, confirmed they were fraudulent and immediately canceled the card.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: alpha on March 20, 2009, 01:19:44 AM
That sucks.  Sorry to hear that.  Hopefully it gets cleared up soon.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: ikethegreat on March 20, 2009, 02:40:16 PM
Quote from: "mnkyman"
Ya that's happened to me before. They would charge 1 or 2 cents to "test" the card (as my banker later told me)...and luckily the bank questioned these charges, called me up, confirmed they were fraudulent and immediately canceled the card.

Same thing happened to me in December.  The worst part was they signed me up for over a dozen different magazine subscriptions and my mailbox was bombarded with magazines for the longest time.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: Mike on March 20, 2009, 02:53:09 PM
Do any of your know how they got your information? I'm just interested to avoid this myself in the future if possiable.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: CrackerTeg on March 20, 2009, 03:11:45 PM
I honestly don't know how they got our information. Funny thing is, my wife opened up a new account with the bank we have about two or three weeks ago and we got a call from our bank yesterday about a charge on her account. Meanwhile, I've been banking with this same bank for over 5 years. Figure that one out.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: 05AccordV6 on March 23, 2009, 07:28:02 PM
Fortunately this has yet to happen to me, this is why I pay for most everything in store in cold hard cash, if you use your cards to purchase in store, all someone needs to do is write your credit or debit number down, very few places check ID.  If you do a lot of your purchasing online, the risk increses exponentially, only because even some secure sites, that have all the verisign markings, and secure encrypted markings and software and all this shit, really aren't that secure.

I should know this, I am the E-Commerce manager for my company, which did roughly 27 million dollars in web sales last year, it is a constant struggle to stay ahead of the fraud, and a lot of times I can't catch all of it, though I do catch most.  DON"T TRUST A WEBSITE EVEN IF IT CLAIMS IT IS SECURE THE REASON FOR THIS IS AS FOLLOWS, SEE BELOW.  

Here is the key:  Just because the website your are BUYING from is encrypted doesn't make YOUR computer safe, just their servers and databases are covered by this software, so if you have ever transmitted your data from an insecure computer which doesn't have firewalls, anti-virus and anti-spyware programs running 100% of the time, you may have malicious coded programs on them and not even know it, bots that essentially take a snapshot of forms and transmit the info to their creator, etc, these guys are fuckin smart, it sucks, but, from visiting any slew of websites, downloading programs, music, files, etc. you can compromise your security.  Also don't store your banking information in blatantly named files E.G:  Banking, Credit Cards, Etc, certain programs scan for keywords and will copy the files and transmit them, sooo many ways they can get your info.   A lot of these programs dont come up in anti-virus scans, and they are constantly evolved by their creators to stay ahead of an AV or spyware detectig software.  

I'd get more into it, just keep that stuff locked up tight, and you can never be too caeful.

I have helped put 3 individuals in Pound Me In The Ass prison for trying to fuck with the wrong guy on the other end, and I hope I catch more.  Especially with the economy in shambles, fraud, just like all other crime, tend to increase, be safe out there and feel free to PM me any questions you may have.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: CrackerTeg on March 23, 2009, 07:55:28 PM
Wow. That's some good info bro. I do have the firewall, anti-spyware, and anti-virus running 24/7 on both of my computers and my router has also been configured. I don't do much over the net and all my info is on paper. Not my computer. Either way, I also have seperate drives aside from my OS drive where I would store anything. Also, another good practice is to have the money on your debit card you intend to use. And nothing more. The jackass at the store will have a hard time pulling anything if there's nothing there.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: 05AccordV6 on March 23, 2009, 09:11:33 PM
Quote from: "CrackerTeg"
Wow. That's some good info bro. I do have the firewall, anti-spyware, and anti-virus running 24/7 on both of my computers and my router has also been configured. I don't do much over the net and all my info is on paper. Not my computer. Either way, I also have seperate drives aside from my OS drive where I would store anything. Also, another good practice is to have the money on your debit card you intend to use. And nothing more. The jackass at the store will have a hard time pulling anything if there's nothing there.

Your already in better shape than 98+% of people out there then, You'd be shocked how easily people will give their personal info out on a phone call or some other means without doing their research.  The move with the Debit account is very smart, but if you have a linked savings account, and overdraft protection, they will approve transactions and deduct the difference in amount from savings, hence why I don't keep it on any of my personal accounts.  It sucks when shit like this happens.  On a side note, do you tear any financial documents up you receive in the mail whether solicited or unsolicited, its a good practice.  Also keeping your finances on paper is a really smart move, everyone does the online banking thing, and i see why its appealing for paying bills, etc.  But its just another place an ID theif can now find very sensitive information.   Hopefully you'll get all new cards and accounts, that usually takes care of the issues.  

As a warning/piece of advice:  Keep a very close eye on your credit report, make sure they don't have enough info to apply for credit, This is my best piece of info:  You can do what I did and flag yourself as a potential ID theft victim, I reapply the flag when it runs out purposely (I believe it does so after 12 or 18 monthes), this way no one can use your name to get "Approved for instant credit in as little as 30 seconds" type crap.  

Institutions must contact you by phone, mail, or both and will require verification that you in fact applied for credit in any way, shape or form in the first place.  If you have the flag on and they issue credit in your name, they cannot collect on the debt, and in most cases, you have legal ramifications and a path of legal recourse (IE suing them.) This is a step I wish more folks would take, or more credit issuing companies would make a mandatory step, it would cut down ID theft immensely.  Either way your doing things the right way, sometimes these guys just get your shit even after taking all the precautions possible.

Who says college doesn't teach you stuff?  :)

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: ashley on March 23, 2009, 10:22:13 PM
damn man I'm sorry to hear about this. Hopefully everything works out and you get your new cards soon!

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: mnkyman on March 24, 2009, 12:50:20 AM
one thing to add, since alot of us buy car parts and the like online, is the use paypal's credit card generator, it's safer than inputing your cc # everytime, since it changes with each purchase, but at the same time, this is only as secure as your paypal account

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: ikethegreat on March 26, 2009, 09:08:30 PM
Quote from: "05AccordV6"
You can do what I did and flag yourself as a potential ID theft victim, I reapply the flag when it runs out purposely (I believe it does so after 12 or 18 monthes), this way no one can use your name to get "Approved for instant credit in as little as 30 seconds" type crap.  

How would I go about doing this?

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: Paulius005 on March 26, 2009, 11:48:02 PM
Quote from: "timot_one"
Over time my blackberry has learned that I love to fucking swear.  My iPod touch still need to learn though.

Steve Jobs doesn't want you to swear :D. He doesn't want me to picture message, or copy and paste thought either. What a dick....

When it comes to online purchasing thought, i only buy from sites that i know of and if i do not i do a few days research before buying. I also have BitDefender, Spybot, Ad-Aware. I am decent with computer programming and am going into Computer Engineering next year. I see how easily people can be fooled into getting their info stolen, one wrong click and there you go. I am quite paranoid when it comes to the interweb.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: timot_one on March 27, 2009, 09:03:52 AM
Quote from: "ikethegreat"
Quote from: "05AccordV6"
You can do what I did and flag yourself as a potential ID theft victim, I reapply the flag when it runs out purposely (I believe it does so after 12 or 18 monthes), this way no one can use your name to get "Approved for instant credit in as little as 30 seconds" type crap.  

How would I go about doing this?


Share your secrets with us Kevin.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: 05AccordV6 on March 30, 2009, 10:28:20 PM
Holy crap I completely forgot to this, I will give a step by step in the next couple of days once work calms down a bit, I have pulled 11 straight days (including weeknds and late nights) on exactly how to go about doing this for your protection.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: CrackerTeg on April 01, 2009, 10:03:22 PM
Whenever you get the chance man. Whatever else I could do to prevent this shit, as well as share with friends and family not in the ECM network.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: Latin2nr on April 07, 2009, 01:01:09 PM
Wow Z that's some fucked up shit, hope they find the fucks and put their balls on a vice-grip, shit I know you would given the chance.
Shit I would.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: CrackerTeg on April 07, 2009, 10:30:26 PM
God damn right I would. I got some other hardcore sadistic shit I would do that I won't share here.

Title: Re: Fraud blows
Post by: Fenix on April 08, 2009, 09:29:15 AM
Quote from: "Latin2nr"
Wow Z that's some fucked up shit, hope they find the fucks and put their balls on a vice-grip, shit I know you would given the chance.
Shit I would.

if they do catch them they will be punished. The gov't doesnt play around with fraud if they catch you. Its fed time instantly.

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