
Lounge => Off Topic => Topic started by: timot_one on December 03, 2010, 11:33:32 PM

Title: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on December 03, 2010, 11:33:32 PM
For any of you guys that pay attention to the chat thread, I eluded to the fact that I'm going to the midwest.  So here's the story.  I've been trying to get a new job within my company since I'm not really going to progress in the department I work in right now.  There are just no opportunities for advancement and I'm kinda burned out from what I do.  Back in June I applied for a job in San Antonio.  A friend of mine from work moved on to in the Chicago area.  I didn't get the job.  So I applied for the same job in Nashville.  I got to the 2nd round of interviews and they even flew me out to Nashville for it.  I didn't get that job either.  At that point, I had given up and figured it wasn't going to happen since there weren't any more openings available.  I cleared out my desk and I was ready to quit my job as soon as I found something else.  It was pretty bad for me at that point.  I was talking to one of the managers about it and he mentioned there were a few more openings he saw recently posted, so I went for it again and applied for all 3 jobs that were open.  They were in North Carolina, Georgia, and Ohio.  The managers that interviewed me for Nashville were the same managers for North Carolina and Georgia, so I figured it was worth a shot.  I interviewed again for those jobs over the phone.  The manager for the job in Ohio actually lives in Massachusetts, so I was able to interview with him in person.  The interview was on November 1st.  I got a phone call today from the 2 different staffing people.  I didn't get the jobs in the south.  The other call was to tell me that I got the job in Ohio.  Even though my new job is with the same company, I put in my two weeks notice today.  In the next few weeks, I'm going to start packing up my stuff and moving out to the Dayton, OH area. 

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: thisaznboi88 on December 03, 2010, 11:42:19 PM
NICE!!! Moving up and making bank FTW.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on December 04, 2010, 12:08:49 AM
No.  This is a lateral move.  I will be making the same amount of money as I am currently.  The benefit to this move is that I will no longer be stuck in a dead end job that I am completely burned out on.  The new job is completely different where I am going out in the field fixing displays and training people.  It beats sitting at a desk tethered to a phone all day long having people yell at you for a problem you didn't cause while you're being micromanaged by people that aren't even capable of doing the job you do.  I am also going to be moving to an area where the cost of living is 25% lower.  Housing is 71% lower than where I live right now, so I'll be able to rent a place with a 2 car garage until I can prepare to buy a house. 

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: Jeff Likes Bagels on December 04, 2010, 01:11:44 AM
I'm glad that you finally got things going the way you wanted them to (or at least I think so, lol). I wish the best of luck to you with your moving!

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: cna on December 04, 2010, 02:03:26 AM
Sounds like great news stay focus and good luck out there!

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: slipkord on December 04, 2010, 07:46:08 AM
Good on ya Tim!.

Maybe you wont be suck a dick anymore!!  :D

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on December 04, 2010, 08:00:34 AM
Ummm what?

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: status on December 04, 2010, 10:54:41 AM
congrats tim, sounds like the change youve been wanting. glad to see it work. plus Ohio could use a big player since lebron left.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: NVA-AV6 on December 04, 2010, 11:08:23 AM
Cool Tim, but in reality it will be a pay bump in that the cost of living in Ohio is much lower than the Boston area, hell your state income tax will be like 4% lower right off the bat, then you have rent costs, car insurance, ect, that will all be lower.......

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on December 04, 2010, 11:29:48 AM
That's true Paul.  I know that the lower cost of living will be like a pay increase.  I've taken into consideration that this job gives me a vehicle and pays for all gas, insurance, and maintenance.  So my car will now be driven on the weekends.  They pay for my cell phone bill and pay for me to have internet for my home office.  On top of the lower cost of living, while keeping the same pay rate.  The cool part is that I will now be a lot closer to my family.  Since my parents are getting older and my brother isn't very dependable, it's important for me to be close by.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: fabulous010 on December 04, 2010, 11:58:00 AM
Thats exciting tim! Congrates bro!

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: fabulous010 on December 04, 2010, 12:04:32 PM
Man i love to hear stories like this. I was also stuck at a dead end job uP until last year. I was working 50+ hours a week with no benifits or overtime rate. And i was making a shit hourly rate driving a pick up. I finally got a new job back in aug driving a flat bed truck. With a huge Pay increase, benifits, & cell phone!
Being close to your family is key. Plus saving the accord for the weekend is just the icing on the cake! Lol

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: DV8mAn on December 04, 2010, 12:34:19 PM
Congrats Tim.  Dayton isn't a bad area.  Mid size town but close to Cincy.  Def lower cost of living than where you're at now.  I go to the Lima/Sidney, OH area multiple times a year.  We'll have to connect one of these days.  Whatever happens, please don't become an Ohio State fan!!!  Again congrats, I'm happy for ya buddy.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: Mr Eazy on December 04, 2010, 04:44:42 PM

Kat and I are both happy for you.  how is Robyn taking this?

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: Mike on December 04, 2010, 10:07:57 PM
Congrats Tim. I hope this brings you happiness! We need to make it a point to get together before you take off bro. If you can find time of course!

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on December 04, 2010, 11:43:44 PM
Whatever happens, please don't become an Ohio State fan!!!  Again congrats, I'm happy for ya buddy.

Thanks Jason.  To be honest, I don't care about sports.  On top of that, I am from MI, so becoming an Ohio State fan would never happen.

Kat and I are both happy for you.  how is Robyn taking this?

Thanks Arie.  Robyn and I talked about it before I even applied for the job.  I wasn't sure I was going to get this or the other two jobs since I got turned down for the first ones I interviewed for.  She's happy that I'm going to be moving on to a new job and won't be miserable any more.  At the same time, she's really sad that she's going to be further away from her family.  The roles have been reversed now.  I will be 3 hours away from my family and she will be about 12-13 hours away from her family.  Of course, I haven't seen my family for the holidays in 5 years because of my job.  Now we will be able to see my family and take time to visit hers every year.

Congrats Tim. I hope this brings you happiness! We need to make it a point to get together before you take off bro. If you can find time of course!

The change is welcome.  As I've said before, I'm very happy to get out of an environment where I'm micromanaged and expected to work constantly throughout the day (aside from my scheduled break times) doing a job where people are infrequently nice and easy to work with.  I'm just happy about my new job and moving to an area where I will be able to afford to live instead of struggle to keep my head above water.  If we don't have a chance to hang out before I leave, I will be coming back to MA a few times since Robyn isn't moving out to OH for a few more months.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: CrackerTeg on December 05, 2010, 06:53:31 AM
Tim, I'm glad things are working out for you. Now that you'll have time to do things like visit people and just relax woulkd be a great thing for you and your soon to be new wife. I guess things happen the way they do for a reason. This move just happens to fall just before the wedding and it'll be a new chapter for you and Robyn. I'm happy to hear this man.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: driveaccord on December 05, 2010, 08:45:10 PM
so much for moving somewhere warm huh?! best of luck tim with your move

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on December 05, 2010, 11:15:49 PM
I tried getting a job in San Antonio, TX, Nashville, TN, Charlotte, NC, and Atlanta, GA and didn't get hired.  At least I'm going into the job I've wanted and moving closer to my family.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: Accord Euro-R on December 05, 2010, 11:54:29 PM
Hey Tim,
Congrats on the new job! Dayton is only about an hour away from Columbus so we will definitely have to link up and have some events at some point.  Lemme know when you officially get here!

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on December 06, 2010, 07:24:21 AM
I'll be down there by the beginning of the year.  I'm probably leaving MA right after Christmas and leaving most of my stuff behind until I come back to move Robyn.  My territory includes Columbus, so I will be there somewhat regularly.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: CrazyCreashunz on December 06, 2010, 08:10:23 AM
Best of luck on the move Tim!

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: JC04accord on December 07, 2010, 04:28:15 PM
Congrats Tim!

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: Milan on December 08, 2010, 01:28:35 PM
Hope you have a room for me and Gen so we can come visit and you can make us some nice Kobe steaks! LOL, just kidding, but congrats on your move!

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: mnkyman on December 08, 2010, 02:22:43 PM
I haven't been following in the chat, but I was really hoping you'd end up in TX lol. Congrats on the position and "pay increase" bud!

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on December 08, 2010, 02:42:41 PM
Hahaha.  I get the Kobe beef out here in MA, not in Ohio.  We're looking for 3 br places, so we will have an extra room for guests.  

I just spoke with my new boss today, and it seems that I'm not going to be out there as soon as I expected.  The new job starts on January 3rd, but I'm not expected to be out in Ohio by then.  I'll be in MA for a month longer than I expected.  I'm going to stay at my current job until the end of the year, and then start my new job that next Monday.  I'll be out here training for the first 2 weeks, then they're going to fly me out to Kansas City to train there for a week.  I guess I'll be in Ohio at the end of January.  More will be revealed as time goes on.   ;)

I haven't been following in the chat, but I was really hoping you'd end up in TX lol. Congrats on the position and "pay increase" bud!

You haven't been up to date at all Sam.  I wasn't picked for the job in TX a long time ago.  I ended up applying for a few more positions in other areas of the country and got selected for Ohio.  I wouldn't really consider it a pay increase, but at least the cost of living will be less, so I'll take what I can get. 

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: unclejud49348 on December 25, 2010, 10:24:48 PM
Congrats on the move. Welcome (back) to the midwest

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: InFuMoUs on December 26, 2010, 09:07:37 AM
Congrats Tim even though I'm like a month late. Glad you haven't thrown in the towel when you felt all your doors were closing in on you.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on December 26, 2010, 10:16:11 AM
Thanks Steve.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: alpha on December 26, 2010, 02:33:15 PM
Does moving to Ohio mean that you'll start using 6 and 4 as scorecards when playing Euchre?

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: striktlyaccord on December 26, 2010, 03:55:14 PM
Oh fuck!  This is the first time I'm seeing all this info Tim.  Obviously for us out here it's bittersweet news because I'm happy that your job situation will improve, but will cry inside a little because you're leaving the NECM area.  I guess before you officially leave then for your training, we need to hang one more time, barring there's not a blizzard to stop us.


Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on December 26, 2010, 06:12:38 PM
Does moving to Ohio mean that you'll start using 6 and 4 as scorecards when playing Euchre?

I don't play cards.  Don't forget, this is about 3 hours south of where I grew up. 

Oh fuck!  This is the first time I'm seeing all this info Tim.  Obviously for us out here it's bittersweet news because I'm happy that your job situation will improve, but will cry inside a little because you're leaving the NECM area.  I guess before you officially leave then for your training, we need to hang one more time, barring there's not a blizzard to stop us.

I'm really not that important.  You guys will be okay without me.  I just drove home through the blizzard.  It's gonna be fun going to work tomorrow.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: striktlyaccord on January 04, 2011, 07:59:54 PM
How's things going with all this?

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: Mike on January 04, 2011, 08:11:57 PM
I'm pretty sure Tim is still local he text me today and he was in Johnston...

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: slipkord on January 04, 2011, 08:27:26 PM
Yeah, he's in Ohio

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: Mike on January 04, 2011, 09:46:51 PM
Ummm he was in Johnston RI this afternoon he must drive fast

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on January 04, 2011, 10:04:56 PM
Here's the deal.  I started my new job yesterday.  I'm still in MA right now.  I'll be training here for a few more weeks.  I'm flying out to OH to look for a new place to live from the 19th to the 22nd.  Hopefully, I'll be leaving a deposit on a new place before I come back because I'm planning on moving to OH by the beginning of February.

Yes, I was in Johnston, RI today.  I was also in Providence this weekend, but couldn't hang out, so that's why I didn't call you Dave.  There's a few guys on AcuraZine talking about having a meet in Providence at Dave and Busters next weekend.  Anyone interested?

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: Mike on January 04, 2011, 10:08:09 PM
depends what day

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on January 04, 2011, 10:14:21 PM
Nothing is set in stone yet.  I know that Saturday is good for you, but Sunday is good for Dave.  Maybe we could get Dave to come out Saturday night?

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: striktlyaccord on January 04, 2011, 11:23:40 PM
I was also in Providence this weekend, but couldn't hang out, so that's why I didn't call you Dave.

Excuses.  >:(

As for a meet, I cannot do Saturdays during the daytime, but I CAN do Saturdays late afternoon/early evening.  Sundays work too, unless I go skiing this Sunday.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on January 05, 2011, 12:23:41 AM
I'm not going to be able to do anything this weekend, but next weekend I should be free.  What do you guys think about going to Dave and Busters next Saturday night?

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: Mike on January 05, 2011, 05:59:10 AM
I may be in Jacksonville... Not sure yet

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on January 05, 2011, 09:06:16 PM
A lot of people said that they can't make it that day.  I'm going to be away the next weekend in Ohio looking for a place to live. 

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: 05AccordV6 on January 05, 2011, 11:13:08 PM
if not next weekend, what about the final weekend in January (29/30)? barring weather...

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on January 05, 2011, 11:40:52 PM
I will be driving out to Ohio then.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: Rich01 on January 06, 2011, 06:53:18 AM
Congrats on the new opportunity tim. Best of luck man. Maybe we can meet up the next time I'm out there for work.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on January 06, 2011, 08:09:17 AM
Thanks Rich.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: striktlyaccord on January 07, 2011, 01:17:34 AM
In regards to NEXT weekend then, I'ma be away on my annual ski trip, so no dice on a meet.  However, anyone is more than welcome to join us if they want, regardless of experience level.  Lodging is free.  Lift tickets are not!

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: timot_one on January 07, 2011, 08:03:06 AM
I wish I could pull that off.  I've gotta get stuff packed and ready to go.

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: v6sicksspeed on January 07, 2011, 03:44:35 PM
Best of luck to you Tim - glad to see you got what you were looking for.

In regards to NEXT weekend then, I'ma be away on my annual ski trip, so no dice on a meet.  However, anyone is more than welcome to join us if they want, regardless of experience level.  Lodging is free.  Lift tickets are not!

Dave, where you guys heading?

Title: Re: I'm moving to Ohio
Post by: striktlyaccord on January 08, 2011, 05:51:51 PM
^   Justin, I'll PM you so this thread doesn't get too damn off topic.  Sorry Tim.

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