
Lounge => Off Topic => Topic started by: v6sicksspeed on May 27, 2009, 01:53:11 PM

Title: epic win against car thief
Post by: v6sicksspeed on May 27, 2009, 01:53:11 PM
tsxclub.com out of canada has an epic win against a local guy stealing parts from members cars ...

http://tsxclub.com/forums/canada-east/3 ... mbers.html (http://tsxclub.com/forums/canada-east/35879-warning-help-all-members.html)

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: CrazyCreashunz on May 27, 2009, 02:06:14 PM
That's crazy! Im so careful where I park for real and this is why...

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: Mike on May 27, 2009, 03:45:26 PM
Good to see a community help one another out. I feel bad for anyone that has things stolen. Hopefully the jerk off responsible will get more than what he deserves.

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: unclejud49348 on May 27, 2009, 04:42:57 PM
I read til about page 15, it was like watching a mystery unfold. It sounds like the guys on there were going to try to go to the guys house.

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: Knocturnal84 on May 27, 2009, 06:01:34 PM
i am reading it right now... i am currently on page 3

kinda f'ed up.... i nearly shit bricks in the movie theater at the terminator premier when a friend text me saying they saw my car driving. my car is very unique and the only one like it in tally so i was sooo scared that i raced out the movies to see if it was still there.....to my relief it was still there

it was raiining so they didnt get a good look at it but this was a good eye opener to me

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: timot_one on May 27, 2009, 09:52:33 PM
I only got 3 pages in, then went to the end to see who checked in from other forums.

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: wtcii on May 27, 2009, 10:45:29 PM
I read the entire thing..... I cant believe he would be a member and post in the thread. With a car that distinct I would have deleted my account, but then again I would never steal. But, Damn that car was sexy!

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: Knocturnal84 on May 27, 2009, 11:42:25 PM
yeah i read the whole thing...most of it was smack talking and peeps signing in from alllll forums ahahah then they  jumped to his sister

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: mnkyman on May 28, 2009, 03:04:21 AM

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: wtcii on May 28, 2009, 06:30:58 AM
Guy got parts stolen. Posted story with desciption with a disticnt TSX. Someone mentions him, aspeckid. This causes aspeckid to get into the arguement. His gf is an unstable hoe and his sis is a topless dancer. Long story short his car matched exactly. He started lying, and people began to catch on. He made another user account to defend himself, they caught him there because their admins checked the ip adress. It was aspec kid, who had a very sexy car btw, he was a member of the forum and posted in the thead to eetnd himself but only dug himself deeper. That's not every detail because I am on my iPhone.

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: Latin2nr on May 28, 2009, 10:34:09 AM
Read the whole post, man this guy ASPEC is in for bumpy ride, his whole bio is being posted everywhere, even his sister is a pole dancer,
this thread is nuts, I guess this dude deserves whats coming to him.
Fuckin' thief.

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: AV6NHBP6SPD on May 28, 2009, 10:37:29 AM
i guess ill have to read at home since its blocked

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: AV6NHBP6SPD on May 28, 2009, 10:55:08 AM
just found this on my detailing forum lol
wonder if its on v6p

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: timot_one on May 28, 2009, 11:21:08 AM
Anyone want to go to a strip club in Canananananadadadadada?!

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: ADI on May 28, 2009, 11:32:02 AM
^lol, damm i read it but didnt finish it all i guess i missed the part where his sister is a pole dancer hahahaha guna go check it out again and read it 4rm there lolz

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: Mike on May 28, 2009, 11:32:53 AM
Let's roll. le rue de st catherine..

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: v6sicksspeed on May 28, 2009, 11:50:41 AM
^hell yea - Le Downtown!

yea, they basically have pics of the guy posted, his full name, cell phone, address, where he works, other sites he's ripped off, other screen names, moms address, grandmas address, pics of his house, sisters facebook page, etc. etc. etc. all posted up on that thread.  It just goes to show the power of the interwebs and what you can find when people come together to help someone out.

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: ROLO on May 28, 2009, 02:48:54 PM
Holy S#!t excellent post I just finished reading all 23 pages....  These are my favorite parts

Originally Posted by Btownplaya | 12-06-2007, 06:00 PM
"I just saw this thread and i felt the need to register in order to shed some light on the subject.


How do i know?

Well i once met up with this 5'7, pimply faced, 80lb (when wet) lying weasel to buy some stock parts. The transaction went fairly smooth, the price was "good" (aka stolen good) and life went on.

When i tried to sell two of the items that i purchased from him shortly after (my car was totalled) i was contacted by another member who was interested. The member met up with me along with 3 of his friends in a remote location, which i found kind of odd. What happened is the parts i bought from Joe were stolen and belonged to the member that met up with me. He was there ready to smash my face with his friends thinking i was the thief. Since that wasn't the case, it just happened that Joe stole someone else's parts, sold them to me, and then i was the one looking like a thief (since i posted up pics of the actual items online and someone recognized them as their own).

I am not sure what happened with that member, i am not sure if they ended up going after Joe to smash his face in or what, but it would be truly deserved on Joe's part. I wouldn't be surprised if he already had his face smashed or if he spent some time in jail, where he really belongs."

your photobucket account shows: You are JDM_JOE...lol, power of internet!


Originally Posted by slamed_tsx  

"so hokeido I've been lurkering on this forum waiting for someone to point the finger at some innocent person. its sad to see how most of the members on here would do such a thing like that, meaning that all of the members on this forum is pointing the fingers at some kid. the real reason why im writing this is because truth be told i got your lip stupid. I've been waiting for you to make a big deal about it on the internet and cry about it. say something now, all of you.

oh an sorry a-speckid for you taking the blame for this mess."

"His real name is Joe Creti
His mom lives at Bayview + hwy 7 and his grandmother lives at Sheppard and Weston area.

He goes to all Go bus parking stations and jacks rims, goes to numerous Thornhill dealers and yanks rims as well.
He knows lots of Tow truck operators too.
1 of his sisters used to be or still is a topless dancer..
I think she has a 2006 blue 2 door civic.

Tuesday March 10, 2009
Huron OPP

London Road in Londesborough
Vehicle not identified

Joseph CRETI, 23, of Richmond Hill was charged with stunt driving for travelling 117 kilometres per hour in a 60 kilometre zone. He's due in court on April 30, 2009."
This explains why he sometimes posts his items/location at Hwy7 and Bayview, and sometimes at Sheppard and Weston

Originally Posted by Spoons TSX  <http://tsxclub.com/forums/canada-east/35879-warning-help-all-members-post533743.html> <http://tsxclub.com/forums/canada-east/35879-warning-help-all-members-post533743.html>
136 Oliver Ln, Vaughan, ON, Canada

Quote: Originally Posted by BvALoR i seriously would like to see what you CAN do   
come, especially spoons tsx, and bring that baseball bat you say you have ready waiting for me, im sure i have something aswell waiting, just come step on my property dude and/or open your ****ing mouth.

and hokeido, i didnt touch your lip man. come, if you wanna accuse me of stealing dudes lip and open your big mouths face to face, we'll see who mans up then. btw, this thread doesnt phase me, i know i been doing good and just because dude wanna accuse me of taking his measly usdm front lip. accuse me all you want, BROOO! you all just talk shit over the internet anyways, if you were serious about doing something, then something wouldve been done by now. its pretty funny hearing the replies you guys come up with. about 90% of it is bullshit.

so i guess ill see you son because ill be ready

Joe's Info
136 Oliver Lane
Maple, ON L6A 1B1

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: lilmalu on May 28, 2009, 08:27:03 PM
I was actually reading about this in my cisco class today. The incident took place like 30 min from where I live and that douche lives 1 hour away from me. It convinced me to get a 2 way pager alarm.
It was pretty funny that the guy created another account to help himself out and the fact that a guy got the actual adress with a map of where he lives. Crazy to the support of fellow members in the community

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: AV6NHBP6SPD on May 28, 2009, 09:01:24 PM
im on page 11

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: Anonymous on May 28, 2009, 09:16:05 PM
worth the read, hes definetly gonna get whats coming to him one way or the other...

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: Jellynuts on May 29, 2009, 12:35:31 AM
Wow, the amount of support from other car forums was simply amazing!  

Quote from: "timot_one"
Anyone want to go to a strip club in Canananananadadadadada?!

Canada is a beaauuutiful place my friend :)

Title: Re: epic win against car thief
Post by: rip_cord on May 29, 2009, 02:51:09 AM
I just read 11 pages....I love the idea for a meet at Joe's house!!!!

BEAT DOWN + strip club!!!

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